EUCACH-Vorschlag: EU-Richtlinie zu physischen Strahlenwaffen (Text)

Der EUCAC-Richtlinienvorschlag vom 1. September 2013 (Originaltext, englisch):
Teil 2 - Richtlinie

siehe auch: Einführung [3]



Subject matter, scope and definitions

[4] Article 1

Subject matter and scope

1. This Regulation lays down Community rules governing new physics torture weapons.

[5] Article 2


For the purposes of this Regulation:

(a) “new physics torture weapons” means weapons or weapons systems operating on new physics principles used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment including but not limited to electronic weapons, electromagnetic weapons, magnetic weapons, directed energy weapons, geophysical weapons, wave-energy weapons, frequency weapons, genetic weapons, scalar weapons, psychotronic weapons, chemtrail aerosol weapons, implant weapons, nanotechnology weapons, high frequency active aural high altitude ultra low frequency weapons, information technology weapons.

(b) “torture” means the use of new physics torture weapons to commit any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person for such purposes including but not limited to intentional psychological programming, experimentation, voice to skull communication, artificial telepathy, remote influencing, remote inducement of physical or mental illness, mood management, mind control of persons or populations, remote virtual sexual assault, remote virtual rape, forced reproductive sterilization by means of chemtrails aerosol weapons, forced reproductive sterilization by means of vaccinations, (“RHIC- EDOM”) radio hypnotic intracerebral control and electronic dissolution of memory, remote transmission of images or films to brain, remote reading and controlling of thoughts, subliminal thought control, tinnitus, remote introduction of implants into body via vaccination, remote introduction of implants into body via chemtrails aerosol weapon, remote introduction of implants into body via food, water or potable liquid, remote introduction of implants into body via nanobot, remote scarring of body, remote introduction of inorganic particles into body, telephone terror including remotely induced epilepsy, muscle pains and cramps in neck and legs, headaches, severe toothaches, sudden falling off of healthy teeth while talking on the phone, remotely induced backaches, vibrations in various parts of the body, itching, ear tumors, brain tumors, respiratory diseases, asthma, immediate diarrhea and vomiting, remote deformation of victim’s body parts and organs including deformed bloated abdomen, deformed neck, lumps and channels on the head, shoulders widened, blown up arms and legs, deformed genitals and other deformations, remote inducement of extreme weight gain or abnormal weight loss endangering the victim’s health, remote inducement of blindness, cataracts or eye cancer, remote control of gangstalking or gangstalkers, gangstalking, commission of the following crimes in conjunction with the use of new physics torture weapons: harassment, breaking and entering of private property, ransacking of private property.

(c) “assassination” means the intentional use of new physics torture weapons to cause the death of a person by means including but not limited to heart attack; strangulation; suffocation; fast-acting cancer; diabetes; myocardial infarction; hemorrhage in brain; thrombosis in lungs; infectious disease.


Weapons systems operating on new physics principles used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment

[6] Article 3

Use prohibition

1. Any use of a new energy torture weapon to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment on any individual in the European Union or on any European Union citizen shall be prohibited, irrespective of the geographical location of such weapon, inside or outside of the European Union.

[7] Article 4

Export prohibition

1. Any export of a new energy torture weapon shall be prohibited, irrespective of the origin of such weapon.

2. The supply of technical assistance related to a new energy torture weapon, whether for consideration or not, from the customs territory of the Community, to any person, entity or body in a third country shall be prohibited.

[8] Article 5

Import prohibition

1. Any import of a new energy torture weapon shall be prohibited, irrespective of the origin of such weapon.

2. The acceptance by a person, entity or body in the customs territory of the Community of technical assistance related to a new energy torture weapon, supplied from a third country, whether for consideration or not, by any person, entity or body shall be prohibited.

[9] Article 6 (1)

Absolute prohibition

1. High frequency active aural high altitude ultra low frequency weapon – The manufacture, deployment, or operation of any new physics torture weapon known as a high frequency active aural high altitude ultra low frequency weapon that uses high frequency (HF) electromagnetic or scalar wave transmission to excite the ionosphere or any other part of the Earth’s atmosphere over the territory of the Community in order to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment on any individual, weather modification in the European Union or on any European Union citizen, irrespective of the geographical location of the ground component of such weapon, inside or outside of the Community shall be absolutely prohibited. The combination of those weapons from different locations is also forbidden.

2. Chemtrail aerosol weapon – The manufacture, deployment, operation, or dispersal of any new physics torture weapon known as a chemtrail aerosol weapon in or over any part of the Earth’s atmosphere over the territory of the Community in order to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment on any individual in the European Union or on any European Union citizen shall be absolutely prohibited.


General and final provisions

[10] Article 6 (2)

National Security

In any case where an individual, organisation or Member State charged with violation of this Regulation shall plead national security or other reasons for secrecy as a legal defense to its actions, that individual, organisation or Member State shall be required to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that its actions were in fact directly related to national security or other reasons for secrecy and not to an intention or negligence to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

[11] Article 7

Penalties and Compensation for Victims -

1. Member States shall lay down rules on penalties applicable to infringements of this Regulation imposing a minimum criminal penalty of twenty (20) years without possibility of parole to a maximum of life in prison without possibility of parole plus a fine of 1,000,000 Euros for each individual infringement and shall take all measures necessary to ensure that they are implemented. The penalties provided for must be effective, proportionate and dissuasive.

2. Compensation for Victims – Member States shall lay down rules on compensation to victims of any infringement of this Regulation which shall include:

(a) the costs of any surgery and physical or psychological therapy to fully restore the physical and mental health of the victim;

(b) financial compensation to the victim’s family for pain and suffering endured as a result of any infringement of this Regulation;

(c) financial compensation to the victim for loss of income and loss of property due to any infringement of this Regulation.

Member States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that such rules are implemented. The compensation provided for must be effective, proportionate and fair to the victim and the victim’s family. Wherever possible, the individual or organisation committing the infringement shall be held financially responsible for paying compensation, except that the victims and their families shall be entitled to compensation hereunder regardless of the ability of the individual or organisation committing the infringement to pay.

3. Member States shall notify the Commission of those rules by _____________201_ and shall notify it without delay of any subsequent amendment affecting them.

[12] Article 8

Territorial scope

1. This Regulation shall apply to the customs territory of the Community.

[13] Article 9

Entry into force

This Regulation shall enter into force on ____________ 201_.

This Regulation shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

Done at _____________________, ______________ 201_

For the Council

The President

siehe auch: Einführung [14]

Quelle: European Coalition Against Covert Harassment [15]

  • Europäische Union [17]
  • electronic harassment [18]
  • Technologie [19]
  • Menschenrechte [20]
  • Recht [21]
  • Strahlenkriminalität [22]
  • nicht-tödliche Waffen [23]
  • Waffenrecht [24]
  • NLW [25]
  • Richtlinienvorschlag [26]


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  1. Wir werden alle finanzielle Entschädigungen beantragen - die Wahrheit kommt ans Licht

    Die Mitstreiterin der Karlsruher Gruppe und mehrere Mitbetroffene aus dem restlichen Deutschland sind sich mittlerweile einig, daß wir das Recht haben werden, FINANZIELLE Entschädigung für diese Folterverbrechen mit E-Waffen zu beantragen. Uns wird Lebensqualität, Gesundheit und unser psychisches Wohbefinden komplett geraubt. Wir verlieren unsere Jobs, unsere pekunäre Sicherheiten, unseren guten Ruf, unsere Familien und sind Opfer der Forschung zudem noch. Dies alles reicht, damit wir Entschädigung bekommen müssen. Von dem Grundgesetz unserer verankerten Menschenwüre ganz zu schweigen.

    Mir werden tagtäglich unerträgliche Schmerzen in Form von Verbrennungen, Entzündungen, Gehunfähigkeit, Gedächtnisstörungen, beginnende Augenschwäche, Depression, Aggression von diesen Folterunderdogs aufgebürdet. Dafür hat unser STAAT zu entschädigen, auch wenn dies mit nichts zu entschädigen ist!

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