17:00 - 19:00
POLAND Bigger Than Snowden Premiere Demonstration [1]
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- https://mind-control-news.de/'https://mind-control-news.de/terminkalender/display/date/20161111/viewtype/event/eid/64' title=' Snowden, by Oliver Stone, premieres in Poland on November 11, 2016.
We are calling for a demonstration to let the public know about
targeted individuals, and the crimes bigger than those revealed by
Snowden -- as outlined on BiggerThanSnowden.com/polska and BiggerThanSnowden.com
I hope you can join in! You can read more information and print out good flyers to hand out at: FreedomSOS.com/Snowden
--- Quelle: Targeted Individual Awareness ' style='text-decoration: none;'
- https://mind-control-news.de/https://mind-control-news.de/terminkalender/display/viewtype/day/Date/20161111
- https://mind-control-news.de/https://github.com/craigh/PostCalendar/wiki