Mind Control in Germany and Europe

About Brain Control, Voice to Skull and Gang Stalking
European Coalition Against Covert Harassment

Feed: European Coalition against Covert Harassment

URL : https://eucach.wordpress.com/feed/

Magnus Olsson: Artificial crystals in Magnus’ blood are Transhumanist remote neural control weapon

01:43 PM Wednesday, September 21, 2016   by Magnus
Magnus Olsson: Artificial crystals in Magnus’ blood are Transhumanist remote neural control weapon PART I: Magnus Olsson reveals artificial crystals in blood, spread via smart dust, are Transhumanist remote neural … Continue reading
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Assassination is the murder of a person, often (but not always) or ruler, usually for political reasons or paymen. Or the common man.

12:02 AM Saturday, August 6, 2016   by Magnus
Assassination is the murder of a person, often (but not always) or ruler, usually for political reasons or paymen. Or the common man. An assassination may be prompted by, political, … Continue reading
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08:13 PM Tuesday, July 19, 2016   by Magnus
Magnus Olsson: Nano-Brain-Implant Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Magnus Olsson is blowing our mind away in the speech he held in Stockholm, Sweden, in September 2012. Seven years ago, Magnus became … Continue reading
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Worldcach.com’s Leo Angesleva (Sweden) about Mind Control and the Transhumanist Agenda with Alfred Lambremont Webre

01:55 PM Thursday, July 7, 2016   by Magnus
Alfred Lambremont Webre, Worldcach.com’s Leo Angesleva (Sweden) about Mind Control and the Transhumanist Agenda Interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, Worldcach.com’s Leo Angesleva details how the “Obama” [read “U.S.”] Brain Project … Continue reading
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EUCACH Director Magnus Olsson: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA?

02:22 PM Monday, February 23, 2015   by Magnus
EUCACH Director: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA? EUCACH Director: Dr. Rauni Kilde radiated for four days with DEW. Remotely assassinated by NSA? … Continue reading
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VIDEO – Magnus Olsson: Transhumanist Agenda are mind-stealers! Brussels conference to feature NSA whistleblower William Binney

12:32 AM Friday, October 10, 2014   by Magnus
VIDEO – Magnus Olsson: Transhumanist Agenda are mind-stealers! Brussels conference to feature NSA whistleblower William Binney VIDEO: Magnus Olsson: Transhumanist Agenda are mind-stealers! Brussels conference to feature NSA whistleblower William … Continue reading
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Organization, and membership invitation

06:57 PM Wednesday, May 14, 2014   by Magnus
Organization, and membership invitation to Participate in EUCACH Year Meeting     TO: All members FROM: EUCACH Board Members RE: EUCACH Association annuall membership meeting 14/June-2014 in Stockholm SWEDEN at … Continue reading
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Gold against Mind Control

10:53 PM Thursday, January 30, 2014   by Magnus
Gold against Mind Control Millions of healthy and normal people all over the world complain about hearing foreign voices in their skull (v2k), about being targeted by unknown radiation; about … Continue reading
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Targeted Individuals video Interviews/Testimonys Interviewed by the famous Swedish EU Lawyer Dr. Henning Witte

05:52 PM Sunday, January 26, 2014   by Magnus
Targeted Individuals video Interviews/Testimonys Interviewed by the famous Swedish EU Lawyer Dr. Henning Witte Original Source: www.whitetv.se http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/280-deutsche-rapper-szene-unter-satanistischem-mind-control-einfluss.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/248--russian-mk.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/329-reclaim-your-brain-with-mind-controlled-sean-stinn.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/310-mind-controlled-margitta-is-not-sick-but-ti.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/384-mi5-agent-dr-barrie-trower-dangerous-radiation-everywhere.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/247-israelkritiker-mindcontrolled.html http://whitetv.se/sv/mind-control-mk-ultra/241-ti-measurements-in-berlin-germany.html TI: Sabine Hinz (English) TI: Magnus Olsson (English) … Continue reading
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EUCACH’s proposal for a EC regulation to ban new physics torture weapons in the European Union. This proposal has been submitted on 1st September 2013 to the LIBE Committee of the European Parliament together with a request for a hearing on these issues.

04:42 PM Wednesday, November 20, 2013   by Magnus
  EUROPEAN COMMISSION REGULATION Council Regulation (EC) No _________________ of _________, 201_ concerning weapons systems operating on new physics principles used to torture or inflict other cruel, inhuman or degrading … Continue reading
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