Mind Control in Germany and Europe

About Brain Control, Voice to Skull and Gang Stalking
Hilfe bei feinstofflichen Implantaten und Mindcontrol

Feed: Implantate ausleiten

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Kerzenöl gegen den bösen Blick, Verhexung und beschreiung!

06:58 PM Saturday, June 18, 2022   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
Hier mal was ganz spezeilles, gegen Verhexungen jeder Art, sowie gegen Schwarzmagie und auch gegen den bösen Blick!
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Kleines Update zu Produkten, die ausnahmsweise mal wirklich funktionieren!

08:07 PM Saturday, June 11, 2022   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich bin in den letzten Jahren auf dem Feld der Entfernung der Implantate viel weiter gekommen und ich muss sagen, in manchen Fällen (nicht in allen) funktioniert das mittlerweile einwandfrei. Ich möchte Euch dazu einfach mal auf meinen etzy shop und meine Webseiten verweisen. Ich stelle Seifen, Salben und Oele her, die […]
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Mein neuer etsy shop :-)

02:02 AM Monday, February 14, 2022   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
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Meine neue Webseite/Wie Ihr mich erreichen könnt!

11:44 AM Monday, January 17, 2022   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
Ich biete seit kurzer Zeit einige Hilfsmittel in meinem Shop auf meiner Webseite an, die sehr hilfreich im Bezug auf Implantate, Besetzungen, Bestrahlungen und Mind Control wirken. Meine Preise befinden sich in einem sehr moderaten Bereich und ich werde im Frühling/Sommer auch noch viele andere Produkte an, die Euch mit Sicherheit sehr hilfreich sein werden! […]
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The others, part 9

01:50 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
the harem of the Genie. However, I was not allowed to stay there because I tended to enlighten the other harem ladies. Even the Genie's main wife was not to be found there, as she was not exactly well disposed towards him either. I was on relatively good terms with this lady, who, by the way, was of his own race.
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The others, part 8

01:49 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
I would now like to talk about the big topic of schizophrenia. I was allowed to deal with this sufficiently in my training as an alternative practitioner, although we do not treat such people. The lecturers at my alternative practitioner school all believed in the supernatural. That is why such topics were taken apart in […]
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The others, Part 7

01:48 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
These people often suffer from feelings of pressure on the body. That means they have haptic hallucinations. I know how this sounds and it is not meant badly but yes, these are hallucinations. These occur when the genie pulls you out of phase. In my opinion, it is a phenomenon that is physically comparable to […]
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The others, part 6

01:47 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
That must have been at Christmas time and the Genie had convinced me in the meantime that they were the three evil Christmas spirits who were punishing me. So there I was already really crazy. My ex had probably not been able to stand it with me in an apartment, which I can also understand. […]
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The others, part 5

01:46 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
To make a long story short, it got a thousand times worse after that. I would say before that the genie tortured me, but after that in any case. My ex took me back to our shared apartment and went back to work as he liked to work late at night. This meant I was […]
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The others, part 4

01:45 PM Thursday, December 2, 2021   by Informationen rund um das Thema Hoodoo, Voodoo, Hexerei und Energiearbeit
I am a self-confident, emancipated woman, I would say, but these events have really worn me down piece by piece. I ran from one doctor to the other with my complaints, among other things to the ear, nose and throat doctor. Only to the psychiatrist I did not go, for fear of being considered crazy. […]
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