Mind Control in Germany and Europe

About Brain Control, Voice to Skull and Gang Stalking

Feed: Lissa's Humane Life

URL : http://lissakr11humane.com/feed/


12:39 PM Sunday, February 19, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Filed under: Daily Posts
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Native Americans in the US hold Evidence dating back to Adam, Walked/Spoke w/God, Giants found in Utah, Brewers Cave the untold story

10:43 AM Sunday, February 19, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
The record of the Jaredites, taken from the twenty-four plates found by the people of Limhi in the days of King Mosiah Chapter 1 Moroni abridges the writings of Ether—Ether’s genealogy is set forth—The language of the Jaredites is not confounded at the Tower of Babel—The Lord promises to lead them to a choice land … Continue reading
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ANTHONY PATCH – Quantum CERN has us immersed in 5G WiFi w/11 DWAVEs of power now

04:25 AM Sunday, February 19, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
The Kev Baker ShowFiled under: Daily Posts
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We are being lied to about the Dam repairs only 8% of the hole was filled 2/16/2017

09:17 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Filed under: Daily Posts
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Dr. Katherine Horton Discusses Gang Stalking, Energy Weapons, and What to Do about It on WBB – YouTube

08:48 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Published on Jan 16, 2017 Dr. Katherine Horton joins the World Beyond Belief to explain the basic realities of gangstalking; stalking, life interference, directed energy weapons and more. She then states the obvious conclusion that all of the researchers of this phenomenon, child trafficking, munitions and drug running have come to: all of these atrocities … Continue reading
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Domestic Investigations and Operations Guide – The Intercept

08:11 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Jan. 31 2017 The FBI has been “hacking” into targets’ computers for many years. It recently did so in order to collect information about computers visiting a child porn website called Playpen. But the FBI almost never openly describes the methods involved, let alone discusses them in congressional hearings or other policy sessions. On December … Continue reading
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Based on a Vague Tip, the Feds Can Surveil Anyone, allow the FBI to follow people with planes

08:09 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Assessments allow agents to look into tips or leads that don’t meet the standard for opening an investigation, which requires specific information or allegations of wrongdoing — an “articulable factual basis” for suspicion, as FBI rules put it. In an assessment, by contrast, an agent just needs to give an “authorized purpose” for their actions. … Continue reading
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A History of America’s War on Whistleblowers and Journalists Since 9/11 | Global Research – Centre for Research on Globalization

08:02 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
Trump – another New World Order CIA Jesuit Whore Over many decades the oligarchs have been engaged in the systematic dumbing down and killing of the global population, utilizing the nonstop barrage of false disinformation and propaganda to induce fear and compliance, of course with Americans always the last to know. Alarms going off in recent years … Continue reading
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Allen Barker’s Resisting the Mind Control State | Targeted Individuals Canada

07:19 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
The purpose of this essay is not to try to convince anyone of what is truly going on, but rather to analyze the situation and consider what can be done about it (after you know well enough what is going on and are willing to act as if you know it). I have talked to … Continue reading
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EMF Refugee – Yahoo Groups

07:18 PM Saturday, February 18, 2017   by Lissakrhumanelife
The world over, with the proliferation of cell phones, their towers, and other devices emitting electromagnetic radiation (EMR), we are seeing dramatic increases in a number of illnesses (chronic fatigue syndrome, autism, ADD, mental illnesses, suicides, bizarre crimes, cancers, brain tumors, leukemias, epilepsy – not to mention electrosensitivity [ES]). Increasingly, people realize it is the … Continue reading
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