Mind Control in Germany and Europe

About Brain Control, Voice to Skull and Gang Stalking

Feed: War is Crime (Kat. Mind Control)

URL : http://wariscrime.com/new/tag/mind-control/feed/

Third Wave of Change, From Freedom to Slavery

10:48 AM Tuesday, February 20, 2018   by admin
The plan to bring forth a new Soviet man right here in America, and right there in Europe, has become a chilling reality. George Lucas has even called attention to it in his latest installment of Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is set in the ...
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The Killing Games

08:44 AM Wednesday, January 11, 2017   by admin
War makes me sick to my soul. What is worth the price of millions of dead people? There’s nothing worth having if that’s the cost. In trying to understand our society’s mindless acceptance of and total support for the mass killing of innocent people in other countries, I found something ...
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Psychological Warfare and Hollywood

03:30 PM Wednesday, August 3, 2016   by admin
Psychological Operations (PSYOPS), or as the military likes to call them now, Military Information Support Operations, are a very real part of war, and there is an entire division within the Department of Defense dedicated to them. While the U.S. government likes to claim PSYOPs are only launched against enemies ...
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PART 1. The Importance of Child Alters for Helping Trauma Based Mind Control

01:03 AM Saturday, May 7, 2016   by admin
In 1995, I began writing 3 major books on trauma-based mind control because the subject had never been well-explained. The first (which is now out of print) was based on 100 pieces of Cisco’s extraordinary art work showing internal programming images. The second was based on my extensive files on ...
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The Psychotropic Drugs: Driving a Nation Mad

10:23 AM Saturday, February 20, 2016   by admin
As a young marine stationed in Twenty Nine Palms California in the 1990’s, I became certified in the Marine Corps chemical decontamination procedures. All service members go through a certain amount of chemical training, they have to demonstrate an ability to don and clear their gas mask while exposed to ...
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Collective Consciousness Propaganda: The Individual is Gone

10:12 AM Friday, February 12, 2016   by admin
“In the middle of all the brain-research going on, from one end of the planet to the other, there is the assumption that the individual doesn’t really exist. He’s a fiction. There is only the motion of particles in the brain. Therefore, nothing is inviolate, nothing is protected. Make the ...
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Television: A Dream Come True for the Police State

05:39 PM Thursday, February 11, 2016   by admin
Big Brother does not watch us, by his choice. We watch him, by ours. There is no need for wardens or gates or Ministries of Truth. When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a ...
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Why the Government is Your Deadliest Enemy

10:27 AM Sunday, February 7, 2016   by admin
The word government is a word that we hear on all the time on the news, so we are well aware of what this word means. However, at the deeper levels, most of us have no clue as to what the word government means. To find the deeper meanings of ...
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Conventional Psychiatry: Investigative Report

08:40 PM Friday, February 5, 2016   by admin
The Agenda If you believe that psychiatrists are kind people who help you solve personal problems by talking to you, prepare to be surprised. At one time some psychiatrists actually did this. It was called “psychoanalysis” and was quite time consuming and also quite expensive. However, Dr. Peter Breggin [1] notes that ...
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Who I Write For (updated)

10:48 AM Saturday, January 30, 2016   by admin
I have published this piece before. It stands as my best description of why I do what I do. And now I’m adding a new introduction: When I began writing seriously, in the summer of 1959, the idea that I would focus on The Individual was the farthest thing from my ...
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