Mind Control in Germany and Europe

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Feed: World CACH Newsletter

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World Cach newsletter 04

07:47 PM Thursday, July 20, 2017  
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   US CACH Cait Ryan

DATE : 20 July 2017

          Author/Editor of the Newsletter

Hello and greetings from the World CACH,
  We are delighted to announce the launch of the much anticipated Global TI survey to the international community.  In case you have not heard the news, NSA whistleblowers William Binney and Kirk Weibe will be leading a worldwide survey of all those who believe they are being targeted with electronic weapons.  Binney and Weibe are collaborating with leaders from the US CACH, Kate and Karla to bring this much-needed research data to the global community.
Steps to completing your survey:
 Watch the 23-minute YouTube video to learn more.  Directions are shown in the video. Go here for the video: <img data-file-="data-file-" src="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd/images/1fce4d64-25e9-4fbd-b87f-fd14441a1088.png" width="500" height="288" />https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLQZErSpVCQ

Feel free to listen to last week’s International conference call with Derrick and Ella in a question and answer format with William Binney and Kirk Weibe.  Access the recording here: https://fccdl.in/Xa4CD7ktr

Send an email to globaltisurvey@gmail.com  You must include your mailing address, your home address, your phone number, and your first and last name when you request your survey code.
You will be sent a special code that will be unique for you along with the link where you can access the survey online.  Do not share it with anyone else; it will be just for you.
Start completing the survey.  You will be able to save your work and return to it later as often as you would like to before submitting it.  You will have 10,000 characters (about 4 pages) for most of the questions in the survey to write about your thoughts, symptoms and experiences.
Submit the survey when you are done.  You have the option to also mail additional documents directly to the team.  Once you submit the survey you will not be able to edit it.
Feel GREAT for having contributed to this great cause!  William Binney and Kirk Weibe are both HIGHLY trustworthy people and you can be confident that your information will be used wisely and only with the best of intentions.  Your information is also kept confidential and private.  The whole team is solid and trustworthy.  The more data they receive the better, so please get as many of your TI friends to send in their surveys as well and help us to end these crimes.  The data obtained from these surveys will be used to help all victims of these crimes to pursue legal action, it will be sent to the media to expose these crimes, it can be sent to human rights organizations all over the world, etc.  This is a huge step forward, so THANK YOU to all who have or will participate!  And I urge all of you to participate.
The website to purchase Tesla generator devices (http://www.mindtech-enterprises.com/) is currently down for renovation and is expected to be back up after some time once renovations are complete.   Please feel free to contact Magnus Olsson for more information: mindtechkb@gmail.com.
Continue to unite and collaborate internationally!
Blessings to all,
 Mariana Maritato

Good Luck from Magnus!

We are stronger together!
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World Cach newsletter 03

07:07 PM Sunday, November 27, 2016  
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   US CACH Cait Ryan

DATE : 31st Ocotber 2016

          Author/Editor of the Newsletter

     In this newsletter we would like to update you on the new Tesla generator product. Thank you for your patience as Magnus Olsson and his team have been working very hard to build a website and application for The Ultimate Tesla Generator. Not only is it the world’s most advanced and most powerful device of this type but it was made specifically for the needs of targeted individuals, such as neutralizing electronic/psychotronic attacks including V2K. The device works with quantum leap technologies and uses scalar waves making it one of the most sophisticated and advanced devices of this kind in the world. It was produced by Wave Genome, Irene Caesar Ph.D

Some features of the Ultimate Generator:

--The device is easy to wear in the form of a beautiful pendant cased in pearl, completely unobtrusive, and people can’t tell exactly what it is because it is cased in pearl and does not look too unusual or like a “medical device”, etc.

--The device is indestructible.

--The device is waterproof for basic small splashes, but should not be immersed in water.

--Uses quantum leap technologies with scalar waves, etc.

--The producer uses a high resolution picture of yourself from early childhood (around 4-6 years of  age) to develop sophisticated holography matrices from the picture using laser technologies and quantum technologies including scalar waves. They are able to recreate your energy field from when you were a child in a personal digital wave matrix and then use the device to continuously feed your current energy field with information from your childhood wave genome. This helps to restore your current energy field to healthier conditions.

--This newer model was designed SPECIFICALLY for targeted individuals with logarithmically more powerful protection features compared to the older versions of this device produced by Wave Genome. This new model still comes with all the health features of the older model including the E-Pharmacy, and ongoing health monitoring by professionals.

--The older more generic version of the device has been worn by members of parliament and Special Forces in Russia as well as the Russian Olympic Team.

--Over 5000 scientists/researchers from Russia have collaborated to work on this special project developing this device for targeted individuals using the most advanced science in the world.

--The website is: mindtechenetrprises.com


Some benefits of the Ultimate Tesla Generator:

--The advanced technologies in the device can neutralize psychotronic/electronic attacks.

--The device is able to eliminate V2K after 3 months of daily use or even less. 

--The device boosts your brain function to more advanced levels (improves intelligence).  It can help you think more clearly and improve overall cognitive function in general.

--You can receive medications remotely administered through the device. They get filtered through your own energy field and are guaranteed to never cause any adverse side effects, unlike traditional pharmaceutical medications where it is known that over 100,000 people die each year from adverse affects from traditional pharmaceuticals including side effects as well as medical errors.

--The device helps to boost your immune system to diminish susceptibility to any illness.

--The device can help neutralize the negative effects of cosmic radiation when you fly in an airplane long distances. It can also reduce jet lag as well as keep you healthy while traveling. The device can help boost your energy, can help you sleep better, and can help you recover from any stressful events, sleep deprivation, etc., much faster.


How purchasing works:

--We now have an exclusive amount of 10 Ultimate Tesla Generators with very short delivery time. This is due to a 1,5 month real production time of the 65 nano laiers so that we can just program the device with your personal wave genome directly.

--You can purchase now, using the paypal account: mindtech@unseen.is only for special price 1978 USD plus 70 USD shipping (normal price 2478 USD).

--You can buy online at the website or through the Android or iPhone applications.

--Website where you can make purchases: www.mindtechenterprises.com. Choose which version of the product you want to purchase. We recommend the Ultimate Generator for targeted individuals, it is the most powerful version. 

--You will need to send a high resolution childhood picture of yourself.

--The device is NOW ready to order! I have personally ordered one myself and I encourage you do try one yourself.  Not only do they have a great product, but they also have a really great team with a lot of good people and I personally experienced excellent customer service. 


Thank you for subscribing to this newsletter.  We value your continued support and staying connected to this global community. 



Good Luck from Magnus!

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world cach newsletter 02

08:17 PM Tuesday, November 1, 2016  
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   US CACH Cait Ryan

DATE : 31st Ocotber 2016

Hello all,


I’m Mariana, the new editor of this newsletter. We have some great information to share with you in this newsletter. We hope to produce a newsletter at least once per month. Be sure to tell your friends to sign up.



1. Magnus Olsson and his team have been working diligently on a very special project and they are getting ready to present the product to the public in the next couple of weeks. They have created a device using military grade technologies from Russia (with the Russian Minister of Defense’s signature of approval) that has been shown to stop V2K. So far, in the group of V2K sufferers who have tried it, all people (that’s 100%) have had complete cessation of the V2K.


A robust team of 5000 scientists from Russia have been working on this special project using some of the most advanced technologies known. The device has been worn by members of parliament and Special Forces in Russia as well as the Russian Olympic Team. The device can help improve a person’s health as well. This device is revolutionary and more information will be provided soon. We will be discussing this device in more detail in an upcoming TV show, and you can also find more information about it on the product’s website in the near future which is still under development.



2. TV show. We are planning a web TV show on NTV soon, possibly in the next few weeks. Magnus and I will be discussing the V2K shielding device mentioned above, and talking about gathering evidence. We will talk about various methods of evidence gathering including live blood analysis, and using spectrum analyzers to trace frequencies, and some other methods. We will also have David Voigts on the show briefly via Skype to discuss his walk across America in his efforts to educate the US about electronic harassment crimes against civilians.



3. William Binney, who is an NSA whistleblower in the US, will be conducting a formal survey of victims of these crimes. He is currently still in the process of organizing and formulating questions for the survey which absolutely must be done in a highly professional manner with exact attention to detail.


Mr. Binney will be conducting the statistical analyses of the results himself as he is highly qualified to do so, and it will yield high caliber publishable research which helps us provide significant evidence. We wanted to inform you that this survey is definitely still going to occur, but we must have some patience as it is still in various stages of development and preparation. As they say, good things take time.



4. We are searching for talent and skills! We are interested in first recognizing the skills people have so that we can then tap into the global pool of talents and skills as resources to help our common cause of global activism to end these crimes as soon as possible. We would like to know what skills you have that you may be willing to contribute.


We have a vast list of contacts and we would like to make note of any particular skills and talents you have that you would be willing to contribute if called upon to do so. For example, writers, journalists, communicators (able to persuade, influence, great on the phone, etc.), medical professionals, engineers, scientists, neurologists, etc. We want to know about you and your skills and talents. We are building a global “army” of activists. We have much work to do and when we work together we can accomplish great things.



5. The World Cach is a non-profit organization established to help end crimes against humanity involving the use of electronic weapons. It has a far-reaching international outreach and mission and utilizes vast resources to accomplish this critical work to help end the mental and physical enslavement of mankind. Donations are needed to continue and expand this work globally. Please donate at the worldcach.org website. We greatly thank you.



Inspiration: The Great Dictator Speech by Charlie Chaplin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8HdOHrc3OQ




Thank you for signing up for this newsletter and staying connected to news from around the world through the World Cach. We wish you wellness and safety.



For anyone who like to have more information – email: braintexts@hotmail.com

Good Luck from Magnus!

We are stronger together!
Magnus - Email:  bionicgate@live.se
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world cach newsletter 01

07:04 PM Thursday, July 21, 2016  
Welcome to WORLD CACH newsletter View this email in your browser (https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=232c004048) ** Welcome Letter... ------------------------------------------------------------ DATE : 21st July 2016 Hello friends, This Newsletter from EU-and-WORLD CACH is sent out the 21th of July. It will from now and every time give some new ideas how everyone can become to be an brain activist – and help to support the fight against the secret technology we have to open up to a debate. In this mail are 7 pages attached of which 6 are articles and the last page an presentation of the authoress. They are written by dr Rauni Kilde from Norway and are among the best articles which has been written of mind control. They are going to be sent out to newspapers, TV, organisations like Amnesty and Greenpeace and to everyone who have an interest of the subject. They are NOT going to be placed at any home page – only sent out. This is a part of the last work dr Kilde made before she died in February last year (2015). This is a new kind of activities to open up the subject of mind control and now all can support the idea of building a bridge to media. Here is a kind of new extraordinary information about brain-computer technology, how it is developed,misused and that people are abused. It is six basic articles as a documentation everyone can understand – also one about the New York Times editorials which was published between the years of 1967 to 1977. They have in fact been the best newspaper in the world to open this secret issue. They can be used in two ways. Either by printing out the pages and deliver them to newspapers, social organizations, activists or anyone who need information about the issue. The other alternative is emailing the file to those whom you want to give the information. The pdf-file is not permitted to put on internet or any home-page. Doctor Rauni Kilde’s was a great activist and the last page, after the six articles is a presentation of her. Here can everyone be an important brain activist, fight for our right and support media and organizations with great information. This is about the utmost secret we live with and the issue can only continue as long as the silence makes people unaware of it. This is our battle for freedom. When we open-up the secret, and when a debate will appear in newspapers and TV it will come to an end. New York Times demanded in its last editorial compensation for the victims and juridical responsibility for the leading individuals of the project. Anyone who understand the reality can easy see the most sensational subject and now it is time to open it up. So when you establish contact with anyone in media, politics or activists who want more information, they might contact: braintexts@hotmail.com - those articles are only a few of many similar ones. As all of us know, there is a strong defense established, to protect this secret from being disclosed. You can never be sure that email you send will reach another, so always, best to make personal meetings for those who are able to do that – if not, ask for a reply. What follows in next sentence is an example of what an email contact can have as presentation of the enclosed file – or what to write in a attached letter. Here is seven pages of an issue that need media and political debate. It is also one of the most important techno-political developments, people need to know about. Best regards from, Magnus Olsson For anyone who like to have more information – email: braintexts@hotmail.com Good Luck from Magnus! WITH YOUR HELP, WE WANT TO DO MORE ! HELP US TO SERVE YOU BETTER ! DONATE 10 EUROS OR MORE TO EUCACH ! We are stronger together! Magnus - Email: bionicgate@live.se . https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd/files/7_pages_for_media.pdf Download click image above or click here >>> 7_pages_for_media.pdf (https://gallery.mailchimp.com/9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd/files/7_pages_for_media.pdf) https://youtu.be/o9bd-B2dqCM ** Mind Control - Remote Neural Monitoring: Daniel Estulin and Magnus Olsson on Russia Today ------------------------------------------------------------ Watch on YOUTUBE (https://youtu.be/o9bd-B2dqCM) https://youtu.be/pW1HACMaOME ** Worldcach Leo Angesleva: "Obama" Brain Project & US Army facilitate AI controlling all human brains ------------------------------------------------------------ Watch on YOUTUBE (https://youtu.be/pW1HACMaOME) https://worldcach.com/ please help by donating via ourhttps://eucach.wordpress.com/website (https://worldcach.com/) WITH YOUR HELP, WE WANT TO DO MORE ! HELP US TO SERVE YOU BETTER ! DONATE 10 EUROS OR MORE TO EUCACH ! CLICK TO DONATE (https://worldcach.com/) we are stronger together https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAjMXxPugCs19kwQZymGdQ visit our youtube channel click on the above Icon or here (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAjMXxPugCs19kwQZymGdQ) https://eucach.wordpress.com/important-links/ EUCACH WORLD CACH (https://eucach.org/) USCACH (https://uscach.org/) EUCACH Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/eucach/) The Research Laboratory (World CACH) (https://nanobrainimplant.com/) Mind Control World CACH (http://www.mindcontrol.se/) ** ------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================ Copyright © 2016 WORLDCACH, All rights reserved. ** unsubscribe from this list (https://wordpress.us3.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=b6e399abec&e=[UNIQID]&c=232c004048) ** update subscription preferences (https://wordpress.us3.list-manage.com/profile?u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=b6e399abec&e=[UNIQID]) Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp http://www.mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=freemium_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=monkey_rewards&aid=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&afl=1
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Welcome newsletter

05:57 PM Friday, November 6, 2015  
Welcome to EUCACH letter View this email in your browser (https://us3.campaign-archive.com/?e=[UNIQID]&u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=372433a35c) https://eucach.wordpress.com/ ** Welcome Letter... ------------------------------------------------------------ DATE : 6th November 2015 RE: WELCOME TO EUCACH Dear EUCACH Member, On behalf of our Board and Executives, we would like to welcome you cordially to the European Coalition of Covert Harassment. As a human rights organization defending the interests of victims of electronic terrorism, our association brings together a rapidly expanding membership of currently approximately 600 electronic torture victims primarily situated in Europe. Our organizational goal is to influence EU legislation and the decision-making process in calling for a worldwide ban on weapons that might enable any form of manipulation of human beings. Such weapons include (nanotechnology) implants non-consensual placed for the purpose of illegal biomedical research and/or arms testing as well as directed energy weapons used to inflict (non-touch) torture gravely endangering the human physical and/or psychological health. Furthermore, we also propose (unwarranted) psychiatric arrests and wrongly established diagnosis of mental illness based on electronic torture victims' complaints, mimicking and often falsely interpreted by psychiatric and psychological experts as known psychiatric illnesses, to be strictly prohibited. With your support, we want to be able to multiply our awareness-raising campaigns to disseminate information and mobilize public opinion on the issue of covert technologies and techniques used against numerous electronic torture victims (referred to as “Targeted individuals” or “TIs” ) experimented on without their consent. With your support, we want to organize more networking events (workshops, seminars, conferences) involving all actors concerned to exchange experiences and best practices for the establishment of clear ethical boundaries to strictly regulate the use of systems enabling the manipulation and control of human beings. The worldwide first and second event of this kind took place as Covert Harassment Conference (CHC) (http://covertharassmentconference.com) in Brussels and Berlin in the fall of 2014 and 2015, respectively. WITH YOUR HELP, WE WANT TO DO MORE ! HELP US TO SERVE YOU BETTER ! DONATE 10 EUROS OR MORE TO EUCACH ! We are stronger together THANK YOU ! EUCACH TEAM please help by donating via ourwebsite (https://eucach.wordpress.com/) WITH YOUR HELP, WE WANT TO DO MORE ! HELP US TO SERVE YOU BETTER ! DONATE 10 EUROS OR MORE TO EUCACH ! CLICK TO DONATE (https://eucach.wordpress.com/) we are stronger together https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAjMXxPugCs19kwQZymGdQ visit our youtube channel click on the above Icon or here (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAjMXxPugCs19kwQZymGdQ) https://eucach.wordpress.com/important-links/ EUCACH.ORG (https://eucach.wordpress.com/) Eucach Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/eucach/) CHC Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/covertharassmentconference/) ============================================================ Copyright © 2015 WORLDCACH, All rights reserved. ** unsubscribe from this list (https://wordpress.us3.list-manage.com/unsubscribe?u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=b6e399abec&e=[UNIQID]&c=372433a35c) ** update subscription preferences (https://wordpress.us3.list-manage.com/profile?u=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&id=b6e399abec&e=[UNIQID]) Email Marketing Powered by Mailchimp http://www.mailchimp.com/monkey-rewards/?utm_source=freemium_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=monkey_rewards&aid=9fa099b04669bfbed42aea1dd&afl=1
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Test email newsletter 2

10:31 AM Thursday, December 5, 2013  
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11:34 AM Wednesday, December 4, 2013  
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