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Minerals against body control

Daniel A. Montgomery (US) posted on Oct. 10th 2016 in TI Think Tank Facebook Group:

Diamagnetic materials stopping the body control weapon

Some people are concerned about the body control weapon. It can be completely controlling like a robot. It works magnetically. Diamagnetism works against magnetism.

Use diamagnetic materials to stop the body control weapon. It is important to place these materials where they will protect the body's reaction to electromagnetic energy fields.
Obsidian is the most diamagnetic mineral. Put a small piece of obsidian on the left hip. It doesn't go on the crest. It goes near the belt line. Another mineral that will work as well is brown granite. It is used for beauty rock in stead of grass in residential landscaping in Phoenix, Arizona.

On the right hip, place a piece of lepidolite or a 1 ounce bottle of iodine solution. Either of these should be placed on the belt line area. The best locations for these diamagnetic materials are exact and can be found by trial and error.
It's a good idea to tape the lid on the iodine bottle with clear tape so it doesn't come unscrewed. These materials will work in most situations.

The body control weapon can be turned up to a higher power, but it will make people sick or dizzy and it will become apparent that someone is using this weapon.

One time I was using a computer in a public library and I did not have diamagnetic protection. The body control weapon took hold. My left hand was free to use the mouse so it looked like I was free. I crossed the fingers of my left hand. This broke the control and I left the library with my fingers crossed. After this, they turned the power up so crossing my left-hand fingers was not enough.

Source: https://www.facebook.com/daniel.montgomery.7739/posts/1315205005157475

More: Diamagnetism | Obsidian | Lepidolite

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