Mind Control in Germany and Europe

About Brain Control, Voice to Skull and Gang Stalking
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TI Treffen in Utrecht / Niederlande eid# 48

12. December 2015 -- 12:00 - 17:30 --

logo: stopegWe invite all victims of gangstalking, mindcontrol and electronic harassment to the TI-meeting. The meeting is for networking and communication between the Tis. It is possible to come with a partner, friend or family member.

There are no additional charges except for a tea or coffee or sandwich that you order yourself. This is a closed meeting where we try to respect the privacy of the participants. This means pictures, etc. are not allowed. --- cited from STOPEG

 Utrecht, Niederlande

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Categorized in:
  • TI Meetings
Event recurrance information:

This event does not recur.

Event sharing information:

This is a public event.

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